
Voice of Talysh

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Новрузали Мамедов
Марьям МАММАДОВА. Трагедия одной семьи. 2013
ГИЛАЛ МАМЕДОВ на свабоде!
Talış dilinin hazırkı durumu ilə bağlı Azərbaycan Talışların İctimai Şurasının MÖVQE SƏNƏDİ
ATİŞ-in Milli azlıqların müdafiəsi haqqında çərçivə Sazişi ilə bağlı hesabatı


Voice of Talysh

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“Espionage for Iran” claim to Human rights defender Hilal Mammadov is absurd
Absurd incriminations do not stop toward earlier arrested Human rights defender, Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper "Voice of Talysh” Hilal Mammadov under trumped up charge of drug possession in June 21, 2012. This time he is charged of "Espionage for Iran”.
The Aliyev regime in Azerbaijan in order to cover its antidemocratic character tries to use all chances from having such a neighbour as Iran. One of such "priorities” is to arrest undesirable for the regime persons as "Iran’s spies” under fabricated charges and after to destroy them physically. Very unfortunately, just with this method Aliyev’s regime could limit arrested under such forged charges persons from the international democratic support.
For example, the previous Editor-in Chief of the newspaper "Voice of Talysh” professor Novruzali Mammadov also was convicted with the same charge and the regime successfully managed to destroy him and his family physically. Novruzali Mammadov was English language specialist; during his whole life he supported his family teaching this language. Except this, he was not from the same as the Iran’s existing Shia confession of Islam. Novruzali Mammadov was Sunni and as we all know, according to the Iran’s regime, such kinds of people are deemed to be undesirable for them. Relating Hilal Mammadov’s accusation of "espionage for Iran” the Azerbaijan State Procurator and Ministry of Internal Affairs spread the information where they jointly indicate that Hilal Mammadov allegedly was recruited in the 1990-s by the citizen of Islamic Republic of Iran Mr. Ali Abdoli. According to our research those years Mr. Ali Abdoli had worked together with Hilal Mammadov in the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Republic and had acquired the academic degree on historical science. He has kindred relationship with Hilal Mammadov. Ali Abdoli as a historian is engaged in the research of cultural and general history of local nations and is the author of various books in this field. Iranian regime has always been trying to impede Ali Abdoli’s work and even forbidden the publication of his works for some period. Ali Abdoli has always withstood to the Iranian regime, and for what remains now under control of Iranian authorities, and almost lives in house imprisonment there. In such cases a recruitment of Hilal Mammadov by Ali Abdoli for espionage for Iran can be from the series of phantasy of some people.
Hilal Mammadov is also as Novruzali Mammadov belongs to Sunni confession of Islam and such kind of persons as mentioned above are undesirable for Iranian Shia regime. Besides, Hilal Mammadov in the last year placed song clips during the religious-ritual holiday (month of Maharram according Islam) in his Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/hilal.mamedov.3) and for what was cruelly criticized by the followers of Iranian regime. From the other side Iranian regime’s attitude toward Hilal Mammadov also was adequate. As it is known the Chief Editor of the journal "Talysh” issued in Iran Mr. Shakhram Azmoda was arrested by Iranian authorities for the publication of interview with Hilal Mammadov and the further issue of the journal was suspended.
As a Human rights defender Hilal Mammadov was maintaining tight cooperation and frequent meetings with European structures. One of such meetings was held in April 03, 2012 during the visit of the delegation under the leadership of the Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Mr. Stefan Fülen. Hilal Mammadov is the follower of the integration process of Azerbaijan into Euro Atlantic zone and this also does not enter to the spheres of interest of nor Azerbaijani, neither Iranian regime.

All abovementioned shows that the accusation of Hilal Mammadov in "espionage for Iran” is not more than absurd and fiction. First of all it is rated to the silent destruction of the next human rights activist. With this scenario Aliyev’s regime from one side wants to prevent Hilal Mammadov from international support, but from other side gets an international support to such thesis as "Azerbaijan cannot be given the democracy”.
At the same time it needs to be remarked the not long ago spread of lots of information and facts by WikiLeaks site about serious tight relationships between the representatives of Azerbaijani regime and Islamic Republic of Iran and laundering of dirty money from Iran through Azerbaijan Republic.           
Atakhan Abilov
Human rights defender, Expert on International Law


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