
Voice of Talysh

Голос Талыша

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Новрузали Мамедов
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ГИЛАЛ МАМЕДОВ на свабоде!
Talış dilinin hazırkı durumu ilə bağlı Azərbaycan Talışların İctimai Şurasının MÖVQE SƏNƏDİ
ATİŞ-in Milli azlıqların müdafiəsi haqqında çərçivə Sazişi ilə bağlı hesabatı


Voice of Talysh

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Appeal to Mr.Torbyorn Yadland, the Secretary General of PACE

To: Mr.Torbyorn Yadland , the Secretary General of PACE

Mr. Kristofer Strasser, reporter on political prisoners

Committee on legal issue and human right in PACE

Representatives of PACE

From: Hilal Mammamdov –political prisoner currently detained in the pre-trial cell in Baku (Azerbaijan)

Dear Secretary General Mr. Torbyorn Yaqland!
Mr. Kristofer Strasser!
Dear representatives of PACE! , Ladies and Gentlemen!

First of all ,I am greeting you from one the jails in Azerbaijan (Baku pre-trial jail), and would like to congratulate you for adopting the very valuable historical document about political prisoners  and let you know that I consider it my moral obligation to express my deep gratitude to you on behalf of all political prisoners in Azerbaijan.

No doubt that the name of the great son of the German Nation, Mr. Kristofer Strasser, will be written in the new history of Azerbaijani with golden letters.  Not only because he stood for support of us, the political prisoners who are thrown into jail as a result of our fight for the free and prosperous future of our country, but also for exposing the dirty dealings of the hypocritical, so- called European "democrats” who stepped on universal values and human rights because of their personal interests.  Mr. Kristofer Strasser gained a heroic victory in an honored and dignified manner by overcoming all the relentless persecutions and pressures put on by the lobbies. This victory is a victory of justice, and a shining example of good prevailing over evil!

As it was denounced by the Secretary General of PACE ,Mr. Torbyorn Yaqland –" if the buy- in of their colleagues  with black caviar by the Azerbaijani representatives in PACE  is true then it is absolutely unacceptable”  and even though this view  brings shame to  image of our country the fact that it is the undeniable truth. By this, Mr. Secretary General has revealed the negative legal and moral situation of PACE.

Mr. K. Strasser was absolutely right to articulate that there is no guarantee for the political prisoners that the court of Europe will make a fair decision in their favor. By the way, as backing these statement, my complaint to the court of Europe related to the parliamentary election in 2005 was " formally viewed” after 4 years and a decision was made in favor of Azerbaijani government.  This in spite of the fact that I provided enough evidence that the parliamentary election was falsified and elected according to the precompiled list and requested the illegitimacy of the new parliament to be recognized. Thus, today the YouTube video film crated by the former rector of the International Institute of Azerbaijan, Mr. E Abdullayev, again supports our opinion expressed seven years ago, that the same parliament was formulated in a falsified and dirty way.

Dear representatives of PACE!

I, Dr. Hilal Mammadov, have taught lessons to thousands of youths and students in the subjects of mathematics, information sciences and cybernetics in the universities of Baku and taken an active part in social activities till the last day of my detention. I chaired the committee on defending and rehabilitation of the rights of the political prisoners as well as the rights of the late, well-known linguist Professor, Mr. Novruzali Mammadov, the editor-in-chief of the "Tolyshi Sado” newspaper who died in jail while serving his 10 years imprisonment term.  After his death, I took the post of editor-in-chief of the same newspaper, and I am the creator of the You-Tube video hit of "who are you, come on, go home” that became a "viewer boom” in Russia and other CIS countries. I didn’t have any political interest in creating this YouTube video hit. However, as a result of my statement expressing that "the YouTube video hit for which no penny was spent was much more effective than Eurovision for which the authorities spent millions” the Authorities were angered and planted drug in my pocket and arrested me.

When thousands of people and human rights defenders inside and outside the country expressed their protest against the unjust arrest, the authorities became angrier and after 12 days of my arrest two new trumped-up charges were therefore brought against me, i.e. "high treason” and "inciting national, racial, social and religious hatred, hostility and ethnic discrimination”.  

Dear representative of PACE!

I am a scientist and professor; I am not a narcotic dealer (narcobaron). "My drugs” are: – to teach mathematics to thousands of students and youths, and when I had the opportunity I educated them in demanding their rights and recommended them to be free in self –expression and support justice! I am not an "Iranian spy”, just the opposite; I wish   to see my country to be universal with European democratic values. The national and cultural relations with people of Talysh ethnicity living in Iran is also based on these democratic principles. I am not a "separatist”, just the opposite; my strong political view is the same as those who are for the WORLD WITH NO BORDERS. By this, I support the national and cultural development of all nations freely and democratically including Talysh nation to whom I belong.

I am turning towards the caviar lover "lobbyists” who are against the adoption of documents on "political prisoners” and saying: "It has already been 5 months that I am totally groundlessly jailed and suffering in the prison cell. Do you think that I have to wait for the decision of the court of Europe for the next 5 years”?  The professor N.Mammadov, whose rights were defended by me, could only survive 2 years and 6 months in prison and it has been 5 years that the European Court  have not considered his case yet. The political prisoner, a religious man, Vagif Abdullayev, who died in jail, couldn’t survive even for one year in prison…

Dear representatives of PACE, dear "caviar lovers”! ,I call on all of you  to account before your honor individually: if you  really wish to see our country as one of the liberal ,democratic  and legislative state of Europe and by this you wish a free and prosperous European Union,  then please provide your moral support to the justice-lovers , democratic  forces and political prisoners of Azerbaijan . To achieve this, you firstly need to support the report prepared by the reporter for political prisoners, Mr. Kristofer Strasser, which will be discussed in the January session of PACE.

With deep respect to you,

Dr. Hilal Mammadov ,
Baku, Prison in Kurdakhai settlement
October 15, 2012

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