
Voice of Talysh

Голос Талыша

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Tolışi xəbon

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Əv kiye? 
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De şair Baləddin VEŞO müsahibə 


Talış xalqı Azərbaycanda yarımkölə şəraitində yaşayır
Новрузали Мамедов
Марьям МАММАДОВА. Трагедия одной семьи. 2013
ГИЛАЛ МАМЕДОВ на свабоде!
Talış dilinin hazırkı durumu ilə bağlı Azərbaycan Talışların İctimai Şurasının MÖVQE SƏNƏDİ


Voice of Talysh

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A pre-trial statement made by Hilala Mammadov
The trial of the constitutor and editor-in-chief of the newspaper of voice of Talysh Mr Hilal Mammadov is to start on January 9, 2013. Hilal Mammadov has made a statement before the trial starts.

The statement sent out says:

As it is known, I was arrested near my residential building between 12.00 to 13.00 o’clock on June 21 of 2012, by 6-7 people dressed like sportsmen. Later it became known that these people were staff of the Main Office for struggle Against the Drugs (MOSAD) under the ministry of interior affair. I was subjected to a savage attack, manacled, forcefully pushed into a private car and brought to MOSAD escorted by another car. There and later in my apartment (about 18.00-19:00 o’clock) they alleged seized 35 grams of  drugs (heroin)  while conducting an illegal search, and began an investigation in relation to a criminal case opened against me under Article 234.4.3 of the Criminal Code  of Azerbaijan Republic.  On July 3, 2012, two more new trumped-up charges were brought against me under other Articles of the Criminal Code, i.e. Article 274 ("high treason”) and Article 283.2.2 ("inciting national and religious discrimination”.  A criminal case was launched against me by the Nizami District Police and transferred to the Department for Grave Crimes under the General Prosecutor’s Office.

Despite the fact that the investigation against me had just been launched, the ministry of interior affair of Azerbaijan Republic and the general Prosecutor of Azerbaijan Republic released a joint statement on July 4, 2012 in which they presented me as a criminal, thus portraying me in the image of a criminal, directing the investigation process in advance and severely violated my rights to presumption of innocence.

I made a complaint against the MIA and General Prosecutor raising this case before the court of the Sabail district, the first Baku Administrative-economical court, but was rejected and I complained the Appeal Court of Baku. After getting an unsatisfactory result we are preparing to appeal to the court of Europe.

As I have also received a dissatisfactory result from relevant courts in regard to my complaint on the torture committed against me during the first days of my arrest I had to appeal to the court of Europe.

A team consisting of 8 people from MIA and Ministry of National security was jointly formed in relation to the falsified accusation brought against me. During the next 6 month they finalized a so-called indictment consisting of 8 chapters which was submitted to the court of Baku on grave crime on December 20, 2012. Excluding the materials copied from the "case” of Alikram Humbatov, Said Dadashbayli and Novruzali Mammadov only two chapters out of eight consisted of the "case” related to drugs, my articles and my statements, appeals and demand made by me and the "important complain” written by Elman Guliyev- the former KGB (MNS) agent who was sentenced six years ago and serving his term in the jail # 7, currently suffering from mental problems.

In fact, the trumped-up charges and the aforementioned joint statement by MIA and General Persecutor are based on the amendment made to the false accusation against Novruzali Mammadov and the complaint written by the mentally sick person (Elman Guliyev) two days before my arrest.

Thus, the "order” on my arrest given by MIA and General Prosecutor was implemented through using the mentally sick person who has been in the jail for six years. I think it is very important to mention the motive of this partial and spiteful action fabricated against me by the high government officials:

As a result of my interviews on June 12 in Baku, June 13 in Astara, June 14 in ATV and finally on June 17, the MIA and General Prosecutors issued an order for my arrest, Apparently, the popularity of the YouTube video hit created by me, "Who are you, come on, go away” in Russia had made some of the government high officials furious.  On June 19th ,the representative of the law enforcement bodies (this will come up in the coming court sessions) went to the Jail # 7 , visited the mentally sick person (Elman Guliyev) and made him write the same complaint (addressed to Ramil Usubov) as if we met in one the tea houses in 2006 (even though he has articulated in the court of 2008 that we had never met ) and in the  presence of several people I confessed that "the Iranian Special Service provided us with financial support and drugs to create a bad image of the state by suing these resource for solving the  Talysh problem  and etc.”

This complain was immediately and urgently sent to the MIA on same day with an accompanying letter by the chief of the prison №7, and the Minister Ramil Usubov immediately sent the letter to MOSAD, and the chief of MOSAD issued a warrant for the arrest of a person by name Hilal on June 21. The information with six years old provided by Elman Guliyev "became valid” on June 21 and a person by name Hilal was "exposed /unmasked” and captured.

On June 25, the "same people” revisited Elman Guliyev and requested more detailed information to be provided to the public prosecutor  on his ( a person by name Hilal) services  to Iranian Special Service. On June 26, the investigator (investigating my case) visited Elman Guliyev, took a detailed statement from him, on June 30 recorded the process. On the same day the general prosecutor (acting in a way as MIA) formed an investigating group for the purpose of conducting a serious investigation about my case.

It may be true to say that the MNS was not part of this "game”, but  the copy of the materials from my interview ( related to Novruzali Mamadov’s case as a witness) ( in 2007) and also as mentioned above the copy of the material related to S.Dadashbeyli’s  and N.Mamadov’s cases were provided to the prosecutor by MNS. In fact the full materials were prepared during the first two months of my arrest, the materials in the eighth capture received from Lenkoran later have no any importance for this case.

Thus, the main witnesses for the "criminal case "sent to the court will be Elman Guliyev and the policemen who planted the drug in my pocket and "their own witness”.

I have refused to give any interview for the investigation except the ones expressing that the "drug was planted in my pocket because of socio-political activities” and the torture against me during the first days of my arrest.

At the final interrogation on November 23, 2012 I have officially stated the following:

"As the indictment contains false accusations and slander and is made by persons who are against the state of Azerbaijan Republic, I refuse to give testimony to the enemy of my country .Nothing more to add and signified”.

By this, I am stating that the MIA and the General Prosecutor have jointly committed another crime by fulfilling the orders of those who stand behind them.

 If these "supporters” influence the grave court of Baku in this case there will be partially or fully closed court sessions and the law enforcement bodies will make an attempt to hide the aforementioned and other crimes that have no merit and as a result there will be a final criminal decision on my long-term arrest. However, despite these arbitrary actions of the law enforcement bodies I am not intending to give up struggling; thus, I am considering it my civil and human obligation to struggle for my country, now fully contaminated by grave crimes and restore the justice in my country. I want to be sure that all right defending sisters and brothers in my own or foreign countries will provide their moral support in fulfillment of this mission.

Категория: Voice of Talysh | Добавил: admin (10.01.2013)
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